Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Linus Complex

We all know about Linus from the Peanuts cartoon and his obsession with his blanket right?  He'd carry that light blue baby blanket, with its tattered corners everywhere.  It was always with him.  In every cartoon episode, in every funny paper... it was with him.  

Well my quirky canine, Roxy, is experiencing the "Linus Complex", however, her "blanket" is a big black rubber bone.  We refer to it as the "leggy" as she is a bit possessive with chew bones and I don't want her to associated this rubber toy as a "bone." The leggy is in her mouth 24-7. Unless she's eating or sleeping, but it's never far away even then.  When sleeping, it's under her paw on her pillow and when eating, it's typically by her side.  

She even carries it with her to the back door when it's time to go out.  I don't let her take it out (because I don't want to have to track it down in the back yard), but she leaves it at the door. Then when she comes running back in, she can pick it up in one fell swoop without skipping a beat.  No stopping required. Kind of like when we picked up the rock while playing hop scotch. It's an art really. Well maybe a bit of an obsession.  Roxy is, as you know, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Dog). 

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